Spreading Positive Psychology to our Pre-Schools in Cyprus

Completion of 5 Training on the PERMA model

While the implementation of the project is escalating, our team of experts in Cyprus continued providing support and trainings to the educators as part of the scientific approach of the ProW project.

The first training session focused on the theoretical framework and the aims of the project, as well as the most common stressors of preschool teachers to identify and address their needs. This training closed with a brief introduction on the School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) approach and activities for promoting positive relationships, positive school climate, and social connectedness with the children. The second session focused on the use of Positive Psychology and PERMA model, as well as the Importance of Teacher Wellbeing and Positive Emotions. In the third and fourth sessions, our training experts emphasized pre-school teachers’ positive relationships and engagement. Furthermore, during the rest of the training sessions, participants discussed the meaning of accomplishment and shared goodpractices that would help in the establishment of the school-wide philosophy as part of the ProW project. The implementation of the aforementioned training sessions aimed to increase educators’ awareness and knowledge in utilising practises of Positive Psychology, and the PERMA model specifically.

As part of the training sessions our trainers utilised multiple exercises and activities such as the “Three Good Things”, which is also known as the “Three Blessings” activity. This exercise is intended to increase happiness levels and enhance wellbeing. It was originally developed by Dr. Martin Seligman backed up with scientific evidence. It is a powerful, and effective method to redirect attention from the negative bias to a more positive mind-set. ‘’Three Good Things’’ exercise is a form of end-of-the-day journaling exercise that helps in shedding a more positive light in recalling the events of the day. It prompts the individuals to mindfully cultivate gratitude, increase optimism and boost happiness within just one week of practice.

 Another kind of exercise implemented for promoting educators’ positive mindset was writing about intense positive experiences, and thinking about reasons of ‘’Why I am Grateful’’. Such activities were shown to enhance positive mood, reduce anxiety and perceived stress, and promote wellbeing.

Finally, the feedback taken both from the trainers and trainees regarding the training sessions provided was extremely positive and encouraging concerning the quality and the content of the trainings as well as their alignment with the aims of the project in general. Lastly, as part of the project, we are committed to continue providing our partners with high quality trainings and increase their engagement in order to achieve the best results possible.