SWPBS: From Individual Praise to Group Rewards

During the last four months, the ProW external coaches supported 54 early childhood teachers to deliver the PERMA and SWPBS model to their early childhood settings in the Municipality of Kalamaria and Western Thessaloniki.
After working on the school value “patience” and identifying the contexts and routines in which appropriate behaviours were expected (e.g., follow directions, wait for your turn), early childhood teachers from the B’ Public Kindergarten in Kalamaria praised their children with a group-level reward. In particular, on the 20th of May, teachers cooperated with parents and all together organized a picnic in the school playground. Children brought breakfast from home and had an informal meal of sandwiches, etc. The weather was nice, and all enjoyed a leisurely picnic.
The early childhood settings of the experimental group (Group A) of the KA3 Project “Promoting Teachers Well-being through Positive Behavior Support in Early Childhood Education – 626146-EPP-1-2020-2-EL-EPPKA3-PI-POLICY” continue the implementation of the ProW intervention.